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Allison C

5 out of 5 stars  


Great quality and new favorite workout clothes!

Nicole S

5 out of 5 stars 


Fast Shipping, Impressive quality, Sculpting and Comfortable

Ignite Studio

5 out of 5 stars 


Super cute set with grear quality and stretch with good compression

Theresa D

Cheyenne is the best! About a year ago, I would complain about my body and my weight. Cheyenne approached me with her personal training opportunity, but I continued to express my lack of motivation. She continued to purse me about my goals. I finally began training with her a few months ago! My goals and views on health have completely changed! I no longer focus my attention on the scale, but how my body feels. I am so much stronger and have a lot more energy! Cheyenne believes that consistency is key and only wants to spread REAL health knowledge to her clients. She has changed my outlook on my health journey. She keeps it fun, interesting, and is always motivating! She is the BEST option to help anyone reach their goals. 

Kylie H 

I have been working out with Cheyenne one on one for 6 months now. It has been one of the best choices I have made for myself. Cheyenne makes me feel so comfortable while working out. It’s always a good time. She knows what she’s talking about always there to help or answer any questions. Never makes you feel weird if you get tired or if a workout is to hard. Never thought I’d be the type to workout and actually stick with it but I really do enjoy working out with Cheyenne.

Lisa Driver, MI

The first time I came to Cheyenne interested in working out, I had been working out on my own with no direction and no real knowledge of how to put workouts together.  Although I had seen some progress on my own I had started to plateau and knew I wasn’t getting the most out of my workouts or nutrition. I decided to reach out to Cheyenne because I liked her online presence and she seemed super down to earth and someone else I knew was working out with her. So, I took a chance and I’m so happy I did. My strength increased and I made it over that weight hump I had been fighting against. I took a break due to pregnancy and being put on pelvic rest for most of my pregnancy but used what she taught me to workout when I could. 6 weeks postpartum started a 4 week challenge with her again and my results were amazing. I’m on my second challenge, this time 6 weeks and because of my progress my husband even joined me for this one. I love her communication, motivation and support. Definitely recommend Cheyenne to everyone!


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